The 4 D's of Time Management
As a leader, you have unlimited demands on your limited time. Everyone wants something from you and they want it NOW! Trying to do everything NOW and please everyone is a sure-fire recipe for a nervous breakdown. That's where the 4 D's method of time management comes in handy. The 4 D method was famously used by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and popularized by author Stephen Covey. This method forces you to consistently focus on important and urgent tasks. I wrote about this previously in The Eisenhower Box . The 4 D's are: Do it. Defer it. Delegate it. Delete it. Do it . These are tasks that are urgent AND important. These are tasks that YOU have to do - and do immediately. Your top customer, responsible for 20% of your firm's revenue, has called and said they're going with another vendor. If you don't "fix" this, say goodbye to your nice bonus and prepare to explain to the company president what happened! Everything in your life comes to a stop. T...