Have you made a mistake today?

Jennifer I. Lim, actress and author, has a quote I just stumbled across today. “Mistakes are proof that you are trying.” I LOVE THAT!
If you keep doing the same things you’ve always done - you’ll keep getting the same results you’ve always gotten. If you want to grow, then you need to try new things, or try doing things in a new way. Thomas Edison allegedly made 1,000 mistakes before he invented the light bulb. It’s not that he made mistakes, it’s that he persevered.
Abraham Lincoln made mistake after mistake, suffered failure after failure, until he was finally elected President of the United States at a pivotal point in our country’s history. He persevered and, as a result, secured his legacy as one of this country’s greatest Presidents.
So get out there and make a mistake today. And keep making mistakes until you’re a success!


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