
In my previous post I talked about the E + R = O equation. Events + how you Respond to them = the Outcome you experience.
There are some things you can do to affect your Response. They’re called R-Factors.
  1. Pause.
    1. Stop and think, “What does this situation require of me?
  2. Get your mind right.
    1. Think about what you REALLY need to focus on.
    2. Be aware (and intentional) about how you talk to yourself.
      1. Ditch the “Oh woe is me.” self-talk and replace it with, “How can I turn this to my advantage?
  3. Step up.
    1. Understand the situation, be clear about what is expected of you, then respond.
    2. Act with intent - not impulse.
      1. You often hear that someone “rose to the occasion”. That doesn’t happen! You rise to the level of your training.
      2. In the heat of the moment, it’s too late to train or build the needed skills, You HAVE to revert to your training.
  4. Adjust and adapt.
    1. If what you’re doing isn’t working - change what you’re doing.
    2. Don’t blame the “E” (the Event). Instead, choose a better “R” (Response).
  5. Make a difference.
    1. Talent is a gift; greatness is a choice.
    2. When the unexpected “R”s in life happen, they throw our plans out the window. Learn to embrace that discomfort, it marks where the old you meets the new you. Remember - you don’t start growing until you leave your comfort zone.
    3. If it doesn’t challenge you - it won’t change you.


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