In my previous post I talked about the E + R = O equation. Events + how you Respond to them = the Outcome you experience.
There are some things you can do to affect your Response. They’re called R-Factors.
- Pause.
- Stop and think, “What does this situation require of me?”
- Get your mind right.
- Think about what you REALLY need to focus on.
- Be aware (and intentional) about how you talk to yourself.
- Ditch the “Oh woe is me.” self-talk and replace it with, “How can I turn this to my advantage?”
- Step up.
- Understand the situation, be clear about what is expected of you, then respond.
- Act with intent - not impulse.
- You often hear that someone “rose to the occasion”. That doesn’t happen! You rise to the level of your training.
- In the heat of the moment, it’s too late to train or build the needed skills, You HAVE to revert to your training.
- Adjust and adapt.
- If what you’re doing isn’t working - change what you’re doing.
- Don’t blame the “E” (the Event). Instead, choose a better “R” (Response).
- Make a difference.
- Talent is a gift; greatness is a choice.
- When the unexpected “R”s in life happen, they throw our plans out the window. Learn to embrace that discomfort, it marks where the old you meets the new you. Remember - you don’t start growing until you leave your comfort zone.
- If it doesn’t challenge you - it won’t change you.
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