Sometimes, failure IS an option!
If Steve Jobs hadn't been fired from Apple, he never would have bought Pixar and then revolutionized Apple when he went back to the company. Walt Disney was fired as a newspaper editor for his lack of imagination. If he hadn't been fired, we never would have had Mickey Mouse, Disneyland, or Disney World. Colonel Sanders got his start with a restaurant by the side of the road. If it hadn't failed, there wouldn't be a KFC today. Failure isn't necessarily a bad thing. As a matter of fact, it's impossible to achieve great things without it. But it's what you do with failure that truly matters. 1. Learn from the experience. Failure is just feedback telling you that something wasn't working and that you need to change it. Treat "failure" as feedback that will help you improve. Did you not work hard enough? Did you overestimate your abilities? Did you have the right resources? Do you need to tweak your plan? Remember your first few speeches? Did you g...