Transfer of Belief

  • Good leaders get their people to believe in THEM.
  • Good leaders show what THEY'RE able to do.
  • Great leaders get their people to believe in THEMSELVES.
  • Great leaders show you what YOU'RE able to do.
Great leadership is about transferring belief. Great leaders are able to get their teams to buy into their vision for the organization. In essence, transferring their own belief in their vision to their teams.

What might not be self-evident in this concept is that in order to get others to believe in themselves - you - the leader - first have to believe in YOURSELF. How do you do that?
  • Become comfortable with discomfort. True growth doesn't start until you leave your comfort zone.
  • When you're trying something new, learn to tamp down the negative self-talk that could hold you back.
  • Learn to say "yes" when presented with new situations with which you're not comfortable and learn that that's okay.
  • Learn that it's okay to fail. Failing doesn't make you a failure.
  • Understand that you're stronger, and more capable, than you think.


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