3-step Process to Inspire Others to Take Action

In a previous post I talked about "The Mousetrap Way" by Manoj Vasudevan. This comes from that same book.

When you're trying to inspire others to take action, remember NowWow, and How.
  • Now
    • What needs to change?
    • What stories or anecdotes can you use to prove your point? Make them understand that doing nothing can be painful.
  • Wow
    • Help your team visualize the desired results.
    • Focus on the end result - don't worry about the "how" just yet.
    • Don't make promises you can't keep.
  • How
    • What actions need to be taken? Explain them in a way that makes them look practical and achievable.
    • THIS is where you articulate your idea.
    • Subtly challenge them so that they feel the urge to give your idea(s) a try.

A politician that's trying to get you to vote for them.

Now - The current situation is in our country is bad.
Wow - Together we can create jobs and prosperity.
How - Vote for me.


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